To reach the fastest growing population of people over 40, you need to specifically design for older adults in print materials and on the web.
This guide examines whether psychological interventions can be expected to work with older adults and if they work, are adaptations from work with er adults necessary.
A simplified game of 21, or Blackjack, is a great card game for older adults. Our version is easier & more fun to play – perfect for mild cognitive decline.
6 | THE GEORGIA CONSUMER PROTECTION GUIDE FOR OLDER ADULTS Scams are rampant, with new ones popping up all the time as scammers adapt to new technologies, the latest trends and current events.
The Mini-Cog©; is a 3-minute instrument that can increase detection of cognitive impairment in older adults. It can be used effectively after brief training in both healthcare and community settings.
Outdoor Recreation for Adults 50+ The Active Living Club promotes outdoor activities in a group setting for older adults aged 50+ and seniors. Activities include cycling, hiking in spring, summer and fall.
SHARED HOUSING PROGRAM DIRECTORY. Please know that NSHRC is not a one-on-one matching program and does not interview clients for home sharing. To find a program in your area, please click on a state listed below.
Table 2. Select Internet Resources for Older Adults . Websites for Older Adult Learners. Age Pages
Creative ideas for activities that are perfect to engage and entertain seniors, older adults, and elderly loved ones.
Knowledge and awareness are the keys to preventing fires. ESFI urges older adults to take a proactive approach to home fire safety by learning about potential fire hazards and how to prevent them. This toolkit includes safety tip sheets that provide information about fire hazards related to cooking