Studies Center For Russian East

International Studies and Programs (ISP) is the hub for international research, teaching and outreach at Michigan State University.

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The Department of Russian and East Asian Languages and Cultures (REALC) is an interdisciplinary department dedicated to the study of languages and cultures in the geographic continuum from Eastern Europe through Eastern Asia.

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The Middle East Studies program has a comprehensive curriculum with course topics ranging from the economies of petrostates to ethno-religious conflict.

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On April 23, the MacMillan Center hosted Cristobal Rovira Kaltwasser for his talk, “Studying Transatlantic Populism: State of the Art and Avenues for Further Research.”

Congrats to CFS Director Katherine Borland on being awarded the Fulbright Bicentennial Chair in American Studies at the University of Helsinki, Finland for …

Engage in your world class experience: study abroad with Wake Forest University. Learn more at the WFU Center for Global Programs and Studies.

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David B. Givens, Ph.D., Director (509-624-4794; OBSERVARE, COGITARE, SCRIBERE. The Center for Nonverbal Studies (CNS) is a private, nonprofit research center located in Spokane, Washington.

Politics & Economy focuses on the organization & workings of power. It highlights the production, distribution, & consumption of goods & services & how these processes produce global connections & divisions, & how states and other actors attempt to manage these processes.

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مركز الملك فيصل للبحوث والدراسات الإسلامية – King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies

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Over 2,000 events each year. Join us at 1616 Rhode Island Avenue.

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