Portage Adult Education

Education. The key to getting ahead in today’s tough economy. The Adult Education Department of Portage Lakes Career Center offers day and evening classes to help adult students remain competitive in today’s workforce.

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The PCBDD has been providing services and supports to individuals with developmental disabilities in Portage County since 1967.

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Online Fee Payment; Parent/ Volunteer Background Checks; Portage BackPack Program; Powercollege – Parent Portal Information; PTS – Handbooks – Students/Parents

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Enroll Today. PLCC offers both high college and adult students career training & development. Learn more about our process today. Enroll »

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Knowledge = Transformation. Portage la Prairie Regional Library, a multi-media gateway to education and recreation for all ages. Web Page hosted by MegaComputers.ca Banner Art and Design Elements by S. Laevens, Portage la Prairie Regional Library

The City of Portage is truly a great place to live, work and play. Portage residents enjoy affordable housing with low taxes, safe and well-maintained neighborhoods, world-class healthcare, enriching activities and entertainment and a unique parks system that connects citizens to each other and to the natural world.

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Located in Central Cass County, Deep Portage is a non-profit residential environmental education/outdoor recreation center. Open to the public year round.

NEO Adult Education is a free comprehensive adult education program that is open to any Indiana resident who is 16 years of age or older who …

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Address: 40-B Royal Road North Portage La Prairie, Manitoba R1N 1V1. Telephone – 204-857-4271 Email – portlib@portagelibrary.com

We offer a wide range of programs that will allow you to gain all the skills, knowledge and in most cases practical experience needed to start you on your career path.

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